Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Plane Old Land-ing

I've touched down and I'm waiting for the plane to taxi in. What do I feel? Nothing. I feel no emotion. I feel as if I have landed in a barren land devoid of everything and anything. This is just part of my trip to complete myself. To finish the last piece of the puzzle to the key to the treasure map. Alaska is calling me again. Alaska is pulling me toward it. I can feel it. I need to go. I have to go. I have one month here to organize. Go!


Blogger Lizzy Pratt said...

trips don't complete us, other people don't fix us. we are who we are whether we are in honduras, dr, new york, anchorage, budapest, bankok, san francisco...they're just places, experiences we have in a string of places we visit and things we experience in the lives we lead that weren't meant to end. learn to be where you are, appreciate the life you've been given to be there now, and petition your creator to give you the thing you can travel forever and never find on your own.

5:52 AM  

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