Saturday, May 28, 2005

Stage lights

Turn off the lights. I don’t want you to see the real me. I’ve been in the light too long, and my illusions are wearing off. Just turn off the lights long enough for me to be. Let the evil I can only find in darkness be unchained in me. But please God don’t hide the switch, for who else will take the darkness away.


Blogger Nikki said...

The blinding glare of constant scrutany will leave one tired of trying to be worthy of consideration. It are the cause of life´s migrains - one longs to rest one´s eyes in darkness so the pain will stop. But, the thing about the dark is that it´s hard to find your way, you feel alone, even if someone else is by your side you won´t see them.

6:51 PM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

My darkness does not allow company. House rules.

7:50 PM  
Blogger Nikki said...

Hmmm. Darkness can be a suductive thing, and going it alone makes it harder to pull one´s self out. Visits to the shadow relm are acceptable, but would truely wish risk it and attain an eternal residence?

You did admit one personage, who in my book counts as someone, and I hope he illuminates you in your lonely shadowland.

4:38 PM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

The light is in flux and full of noise. The dark is static and quiet.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Nikki said...

From the original post I take the light to be God/spirituality and the darkness your inner "evil".

I hope that does not mean that you have renounced spirituality's light for the quiet inner darkness you hold within.

I think it goes back to a comment Ben made on the hope subject: balance. Good/bad, light/dark.

The truth may have some noise makers, but the essence of it, it's spirit, should produce an overall feeling of peace. Do you not feel that?

The truth may be a bit more work, even overwhelming at times, but it's worth the effort, isn't it?

10:15 PM  
Blogger violette said...

When you come into the light, it will be by your choice.

You'll find you don't need to hide anymore.

2:00 AM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

I thank him every he never hide the switch.

9:01 PM  

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