Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Hunger pain strikes me. I've not eaten in some time. It goes from the pit of my stomach to he back of my neck. When will I partake of the love my heart hungers for? I thought this was a bed and breakfast.


Blogger Nikki said...

Speaking of hunger... I saw some recent pictures of you and find you painfully thin. Please eat more. I could give you ten pounds or so (I'm looking to lose them anyway) and should remedy the problem.:)

7:15 PM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

:( I'm thin? Ok, I'll do it, but if I get any fat jokes you will pay! Ok, so we will trade pounds? I can live with that, but first where are the pounds you are giving me coming from. I don't want to be a hippy or breasty man.

10:06 PM  
Blogger Nikki said...

Hmmm. I think most of it would come from my thighs and then a little from my tummy and the back of my arms. But regardless of where it comes from you may distribute it wherever you like on your body.

3:50 PM  

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